History of WiFi In 1971, the University of Hawaii accomplished the primary wireless communications of data exchange ever endeavoured without a fawning or associated cable. The group, driven by design and computer researcher Norman Abramson, utilized a modern innovation called Ultra Tall Recurrence radio waves (UHF) to effectively interface seven computers, spread over diverse Hawaiian islands. The Federal Communications Commission made an unprecedented move in 1985: three bands were opened for unlicensed use, which means that any organization or entrepreneur could communicate about them. The genuine move happened within the late 1990s when Vic Hayes — known to numerous as the “father of WiFi” — introduced the concept of a universal standard for remote organizing, known as the IEEE 802.11 standard. Hayes and his team at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( IEEE) in 1999 updated the WiFi standard to 802.11b. This essentially expanded...